The Evolution of Fashions Through Time

Fashion is a unique form of autonomy and self-expression in a given time and place and at a certain context. The word itself, however, suggests a very narrow, conventional view of what it means to be fashionable. The modern definition, thus, often includes a wider range of definitions including acceptable variation on standards, an artistic attitude that go beyond conformity with the socially-defined norm, and sometimes even an appreciation of differences among styles. The purpose of this article is not to define or describe the art of fashion but to describe and offer examples of how a range of people to see, interact, and interpret fashion.

One of the most important characteristics of fashion trends is that they are subject to change almost constantly as new fashions emerge. The changes may come about for reasons that are cultural, economical, technological, or even cosmetic. Some of these reasons for trends can be very tangible and can include changing desires and needs for clothes that are seen as hot or unfashionable. For example, new fashions for high-waist pants or flared jeans have become more popular recently, but their origin may have occurred several years earlier. Technological advances may have brought about the popularity of skinny jeans or sneakers, but their birth may be traced back to the rise in popularity of denim jeans after the 1960s.

The history of fashion is also marked by a long history of interpretation by designers and critics. Some have tried to define it as a social science while others have considered it a field of art. It has been argued that fashion is affected by culture and class and that designer’s choices reflect the values and attitudes of their patrons. Some critics have called it the language of fashion which, according to them, only describes and limits the meaning of dress but does not tell us what dresses should be worn at any given time. Others have insisted on its separation from art because fashion is dependent on consumer behavior and style which they say is the product of culture and society.

The history of fashion is also divided into a number of eras and periods. Let us briefly look at some of them. The earliest fashion comes from the beginnings of civilization itself. This includes such classics as the Egyptian and Greek civilizations who each presented distinctive styles of dress which were influenced by each other and their surroundings. Fashion continued to evolve throughout the ages. Art continues to play a vital role in defining fashion and this involves the interpretations of nature and the human body which are expressed through the various art forms.

After the nineteenth century, when the industrial revolution began to shape the way people lived, fashion started to change because manufacturers were able to produce and advertise new kinds of clothing which were more convenient and stylish. In the late twentieth century, with the First World War and the Second World War, fashion had a major role to play in the shaping of society. The styles of dress during those times changed drastically and did not return to the themes which had been popular beforehand. These changes were due to the need of soldiers in the war and the pressure placed on them to wear uniforms.

Today, designers are still able to make revolutionary changes in clothes that are fashionable for the modern age. But the change which occurred in the last century is a milestone in fashion history. New materials, new processes and new ways of presenting clothes have allowed designers to make significant changes in the way we dress. couture is a term used repeatedly by fashion experts and it now refers to the entire process of choosing, creating and designing clothes.